Reviewer: @anitsocialdidi (Instagram)
Playing Flirty is now out in the world! Congrats @shameezwrites 🎉 So excited for more people to experience Rose and William’s journey.
This book was addictive! For the first time in years, I was up until 4am reading because I just couldn’t put it down.
@shameezwrites I am so glad to call you a friend, and thank you for helping me reignite my love for reading through Playing Flirty ❤️
If you’re a total nerd like me, you’re gonna love the banter, the pop culture references, the humor, and of cos the heartwarming romance. I will never stop recommending this book!

Reviewer: @nadine.noctuary (Instagram)
Happy release day to the gorgeous, incredible, wonderful romcom that is Playing Flirty 👾
This geeky romcom is for the girls who fear that they should settle, and that their dreams are unattainable. Filled with banter, swoon-worthy moments, and plain old fun, this definitely needs to be added onto your romcom list for 2025.
Other notable mentions:
* Rivals to lovers
* Best friend’s brother
* Nerds being sexy nerds
* The door is ajar
Playing Flirty shows that it’s never too late to change, to begin, and to have your dreams come true. It is so authentically @shameezwrites , her love for the characters so apparent in the way they are and the way they love each other.

Reviewer: @the.life.and.times.of.jamy (Instagram)
Friends, the day has FINALLY arrived. The world gets to meet Rose and William and their gang of friends and omg it makes me DO happy I could SCREAM!!!
Short Review:
Playing Flirty is a fun and cheeky romance about two frenemies, Rose and William, who need to put their differences aside and “Play Nice”. Naturally, for these two competitive humans, Playing Nice evolves into a game of Playing Flirty and sjoooooooe
One thing about Shameez; she knows how to write about emotions in a way that very few do. It’s why I want Rose and the gang to be my friends, why I relate to Rose’s difficult professional life, and why I couldn’t help but reach for tissues or LOL. This book warmed my heart so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ also if you like LOTR and board games, this book has a tonne of Easter eggs that were a joy to find. HAPPY READING FRIENDS!!

Reviewer: @bookwolftams (Instagram)
The first time I read Playing Flirty was two years ago, and it was a slightly different draft to the one I will hopefully have in my hand later this month. I fell in love with Rose and William in March 2023, and it gave me all the warm fuzzies to visit those feelings again and to discover that I still love them as much now as I did then.
I adore Rose, William, Neema and Shaun, their friendships and relationships; I love the board games and gaming elements as well, and we all know we’ll never look at syrup again (If you know, you know.)
I’ve always thought of Patrick as “white bread” – boring but harmless. Upon this read though, I realised I thoroughly dislike him and he’s not harmless because he’s constantly condescending towards Rose, which in turn affected her self confidence. So he definitely moved up on my poop list.
Dear sweet Lincoln, I can’t wait for you to get your moment to shine and I squealed at the easter egg thrown in there.
Shameez writes for those of us who love banter, laughing, wordplay, and being unashamedly nerdy, and of course, we’re all suckers for a good love story.
Playing Flirty will be out 14 January 2025, make sure you get a copy!
is available at: